COVID: Symptom
Table of Contents
In Dec 2022, COVID-19 restrictions in China were lifted, and a new wave of the pandemic emerged.We conducted a survey to investigate the symptoms and their association with population characteristics(e.g., vaccination).
Published in Journal of Medical Virology. [paper]
552 questionnaires were collected. Note: the data is in Chinese and it would be cleaned with the below code.You can download the data at here.
Or, you may clone our repository, which contains our data and results:
git clone cd covid_survey
Load packages:libs = c('openxlsx', 'stringr', 'dplyr', 'stringi', 'R.utils', 'ggplot2', 'ggpubr', 'ggsci', 'mapchina', 'sf', 'data.table','NbClust', 'igraph', 'factoextra') lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE) options(stringsAsFactors=F) sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)Define functions:
# calculate proportion of a given var for all, male, female participants # e.g, # temp <- data.frame(sex=c('Male', 'Female'), var=c(1, 0)) # get_prop(temp, 'var') get_prop <- function(df, var){ for (sex1 in c('Male|Female', 'Male', 'Female')){ df1 <- df%>%filter(grepl(sex1, sex)) tab <- table(df1[,var]) frq <- data.frame(var=names(tab), n=as.numeric(tab)) frq <- frq%>%mutate(n=paste0(n,'(', sprintf('%.2f', n*100/sum(tab)),'%)')) print(paste0('distribution of ', ifelse(sex1=='Male|Female', 'all', tolower(sex1)), ' participants in ', var, ':')) print(frq) } } # convert character vector to numeric # e.g, df <- df%>%mutate_if(is_numeric,as.numeric) is_numeric <- function(x) { !any( & is.character(x) }Versions I used
Data clean
Load data, clean colnames:df <- read.xlsx('data/covid_survey_20230112.xlsx', sheet=1) # questionaire names(df) <- gsub('/|,|?|“|”', '', names(df)) # remove Chinese punctuations names(df) <- gsub('?', '', names(df), fixed=T) names(df) <- str_replace(names(df), '在感染后是否有出现以下[\U4E00-\U9FFF\U3000-\U303F]+症状:', '') names(df) <- str_replace(names(df), '[(][\U4E00-\U9FFF\U3000-\U303F|1-9]+[)]', '')Drop unused items and atypical symptoms:
drop_cols <- c('提交时间', '答题时间', '喉咙有刀割感', '吞咽时疼痛', '喉咙嘶哑', '喉咙干痒', '性欲减退', '生理期异常', '肾脏部位疼痛', '流泪', '打喷嚏') df[,drop_cols] <- NULL # drop atypical symptoms names(df)Replace chinese with english:
dict1 <- read.xlsx('data/covid_survey_20230112.xlsx', sheet=2) dict2 <- read.xlsx('data/covid_survey_20230112.xlsx', sheet=3) dict <- rbind(dict1, dict2[,c(1,4)]) print('chinese items to english:') print(head(dict)) for (i in 1:nrow(dict)){ names(df)[names(df)==dict[i, 1]] = dict[i, 2] }
Characteristics description
Age and sex:df <- df%>%mutate(age=gsub('岁|以上', '', age))%>% mutate(age=ifelse(age%in%c('41-50', '51-60', '61-70', '75'), '>40', age))%>% mutate(age=ifelse(age%in%c('12-18', '18-24', '6-12', '3-6'), '<24', age))%>% mutate(age=factor(age, levels=c('<24', '24-30', '31-40', '>40'))) df <- df%>%mutate(sex=factor(ifelse(sex=='女','Female', 'Male'), levels=c('Female', 'Male'))) table(df$sex) get_prop(df, 'age')Disease duration:
# assume interval is left closed and right open, modify to reduce confusing df$infect_duration[df$infect_duration=='3~5天'] <- '3~4天' df$infect_duration[df$infect_duration=='5~7天'] <- '5~6天' df$infect_duration[df$infect_duration=='7~10天'] <- '7~9天' df <- df%>%mutate(infect_duration=ifelse(infect_duration%in%c('7~9天', '10天以上'), '>7 day', infect_duration))%>% mutate(infect_duration=ifelse(infect_duration%in%c('', '小于3天'), '<3 day', infect_duration))%>% mutate(infect_duration=gsub('天', ' day', infect_duration))%>% mutate(infect_duration=gsub('~', '-', infect_duration))%>% mutate(infect_duration=factor(infect_duration, levels=c('<3 day', '3-4 day', '5-6 day', '>7 day'))) get_prop(df, 'infect_duration')Fever duration:
df$fever_duration <- sapply(df$fever_duration, function(x){strsplit(x, '[(]')[[1]][1]}) df <- df%>%mutate(fever_duration=ifelse(, 'no reply', fever_duration))%>% mutate(fever_duration=gsub('天', ' day', fever_duration))%>% mutate(fever_duration=ifelse(fever_duration%in%c('1 day', '<1 day'), '≤1 day', fever_duration))%>% mutate(fever_duration=factor(fever_duration, levels=c('no reply', '≤1 day', '2 day', '3 day', '>3 day'))) get_prop(df, 'fever_duration')Infect route:
df <- df%>%mutate( infectway_entertainment=factor(as.numeric(grepl('消费场所', infect_way))), infectway_work=factor(as.numeric(grepl('工作场所', infect_way))), infectway_family=factor(as.numeric(grepl('在家被家人传染', infect_way))), infectway_traffic=factor(as.numeric(grepl('公共交通', infect_way))), infectway_hosp=factor(as.numeric(grepl('医疗场所', infect_way)))) for (i in c('infectway_entertainment', 'infectway_work', 'infectway_family', 'infectway_traffic', 'infectway_hosp')){ print(i) get_prop(df, i) }Vaccination:
df[df$how_long_lastvac=='', 'n_vac'] <- '0' # if a person report n_vac but not how_long_lastvac, treat n_vac as NA df <- df%>%mutate(n_vac=ifelse(n_vac%in%c(3, 4), '≥3', n_vac))%>% mutate(n_vac=factor(n_vac, levels=c('0', '1', '2', '≥3'))) df <- df%>%mutate(how_long_lastvac=ifelse(how_long_lastvac=='', 'no_vac', how_long_lastvac))%>% mutate(how_long_lastvac=gsub('个月', ' month', how_long_lastvac))%>% mutate(how_long_lastvac=ifelse(how_long_lastvac%in%c('<3 month', '3-6 month'), '<6 month', how_long_lastvac))%>% mutate(how_long_lastvac=factor(how_long_lastvac, levels=c('no_vac', '<6 month', '6-12 month', '>12 month'))) get_prop(df, 'n_vac') get_prop(df, 'how_long_lastvac')Medication:
drugs = c('ibuprofen_use', 'acetaminophen_use', 'chnmed_use') df[, drugs][[, drugs])] = 0 for (drug in drugs){ print(drug) get_prop(df, drug) df[,drug] = as.factor(df[,drug]) }Syndrome:
# calculate syndrome score with symptom score, normalize to 0-1: syndromes <- unique(dict2$syndrome) symptoms = list() for (i in syndromes){ symptoms[[i]] = dict2%>%filter(syndrome==i)%>%pull(item_eng) } print(symptoms) print(sum([,unlist(symptoms)]))) # number of NA for (syndrome in syndromes){ score = rowSums(df[,symptoms[[syndrome]]])/length(symptoms[[syndrome]])/3 # normalize to 0-1 df[,paste0(syndrome, '_score')] = score }Region:
df$region <- gsub("维吾尔|壮族", "", df$region) regions <- c() for (i in 1:nrow(df)) { item <- df[i, "region"] item1 <- strsplit(item, "自治区|自治州|特别行政区|省|市")[[1]][1] regions <- c(regions, item1) } df$region <- regions # replace chn with pinyin data(china) china <- china %>% mutate(region = gsub("省|市|回族|壮族|维吾尔|特别行政区|自治区", "", Name_Province)) china <- china %>% group_by(region) %>% dplyr::summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry)) replace <- data.frame( region = china$region, region1 = c( "Shanghai", "Yunnan", "Neimenggu", "Beijing", "Taiwan", "Jilin", "Sichuan", "Tianji", "Ningxia", "Anhui", "Shandong", "Shanxi", "Guangdong", "Guangxi", "Xinjiang", "Jiangsu", "Jiangxi", "Hebei", "Henan", "Zhejiang", "Hainan", "Hubei", "Hunan", "Macau", "Gansu", "Fujian", "Tibet", "Guizhou", "Liaoning", "Chongqing", "Shaanxi", "Qinghai", "Hong Kong", "Heilongjiang" ) ) china <- china %>% merge(replace, "region") %>% select(-region) %>% rename(region = region1) df <- df %>% merge(replace, "region") %>% select(-region) %>% rename(region = region1) print(table(df$region)) # sample size for each region tab <- table(df$region) tab <- data.frame(cbind(names(tab), tab)) pop_tab <- tab %>% rename(n = tab, region = V1) %>% mutate(n = as.numeric(n)) %>% arrange(n) print(pop_tab)
Symptom profile

map <- data.frame(score = c(0:3), score1 = c("Absent", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe")) out <- c() for (i in unlist(symptoms)) { for (j in c(0:3)) { prop <- sum(df[, i] == j) / nrow(df) out <- c(out, i, j, prop) } } df_p <- data.frame(matrix(out, ncol = 3, byrow = T)) df_p <- df_p %>% mutate_if(is_numeric, as.numeric) %>% rename(symptom = X1, score = X2, prop = X3) df_p <- df_p %>% merge(map, "score") %>% mutate(score1 = factor(score1, levels = c("Severe", "Moderate", "Mild", "Absent"))) df_p %>% merge(dict2, by.x = "symptom", by.y = "item_eng") %>% select(syndrome, symptom, score1, prop) # add syndrome plots <- list() for (syndrome in syndromes) { df_p1 <- df_p %>% filter(symptom %in% symptoms[[syndrome]]) df_p1 <- df_p1 %>% mutate(symptom = gsub(paste0(syndrome, "_"), "", symptom)) xlevels <- df_p1 %>% filter(score1 == "Absent") %>% arrange(prop) %>% pull(symptom) df_p1$symptom <- factor(df_p1$symptom, levels = xlevels) df_p1 <- df_p1 %>% rename(item_eng = symptom) %>% merge(dict2, "item_eng") %>% rename(symptom = item_eng1) # replace symptoms with their formal names p <- ggplot(df_p1, aes(x = symptom, weight = prop, fill = score1)) + geom_bar(position = "stack") + xlab("") + ylab("") + labs(fill = "Severity") + theme( axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, color = "black"), axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black"), legend.position = "none" ) + ggtitle(syndrome) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5)) + coord_flip() + scale_fill_nejm() plots[[syndrome]] <- p } # multiple plot p1 <- ggarrange(plots[[1]], plots[[2]], plots[[3]], plots[[4]], ncol = 2, nrow = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "bottom", hjust = 0.1, vjust = 0.1 ) file_out <- "./plot/bar.png" png(file_out, height = 1000, width = 1000, res = 160) print(p1)
Symptom cluster

df_p = t(df[, unlist(symptoms)]) # repalce symptoms with their formal names for (i in 1:nrow(dict2)){ row.names(df_p)[row.names(df_p)==dict2[i, 'item_eng']] = dict2[i, 'item_eng1'] } d = dist(df_p) fit = hclust(d, method = "average") png(paste0('hclust.png'), width=2500, height=1500, res=300) fviz_dend(fit, k=3, rect =F, rect_fill = T, palette='aaas', cex = 0.6, type = c("rectangle"), # type = c("rectangle", "circular", "phylogenic") main = '', ylab = "Dendrogram height", horiz = T) # ggsci color
Syndrome regional distribution

# mean score res = data.frame() plots = list() for (group in syndromes){ print(group) temp = df[, c('region', paste0(group, '_score'))] names(temp)[2] = 'score' temp = temp%>%group_by(region)%>%dplyr::summarise(score=mean(score)) temp = temp%>%merge(pop_tab, 'region')%>%filter(n>=10)%>%arrange(desc(score)) sub = data.frame(temp)%>%mutate(group=group) res = rbind(res, sub) map1 = china%>%merge(temp, by='region', all.x=T)%>%mutate(region=ifelse(, NA, region)) # add to map p = ggplot(data = map1) + geom_sf(aes(fill = score)) + geom_sf_text(aes(label = region), colour = "black") + scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral") + labs(fill = 'Score') + ggtitle(group) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 35, face = "bold", hjust=0.07, vjust=-9), plot.background = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), legend.key.height= unit(1.5, 'cm'), legend.key.width= unit(1.5, 'cm'), legend.title = element_text(size=20), legend.text = element_text(size=15), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) + labs(x = "", y = '') + coord_sf(xlim = c(73, 135), ylim = c(18, 54), expand = T) plots[[group]] = p } p1 = ggarrange(plots[[1]], plots[[2]], plots[[3]], plots[[4]], ncol=2, nrow=2, common.legend=T, legend="right") png('./plot/map.png', height=1300, width=1700, res=80) print(p1) res # average score
Symptom regional distribution

res = data.frame() provs = names(rev(sort(table(df$region)))) # sort by n for (prov in provs){ sub = df%>%filter(region==prov) temp = colMeans(sub[,unlist(symptoms)])/3 add = data.frame(region=prov, symptom=names(temp), score=temp, n=nrow(sub)) res = rbind(res, add) } # replace symptom names with their formal name res = res%>%merge(dict2%>%select(item_eng, item_eng1), by.x='symptom', by.y='item_eng')%>%select(-symptom)%>%rename(symptom=item_eng1) # filter region with less than 10 samples res = res%>%filter(n>=10) p = res%>% ggplot(aes(region, symptom, fill=score)) + geom_tile() + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = "Score", title="", subtitle="") + scale_fill_gradient2(limits=c(0,1)) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, color="black"), axis.text.y = element_text(color="black"), legend.title = element_text(size=12)) + scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral") png('./plot/heatmap.png', height=1000, width=800, res=150) print(p)
Association analysis
# we use linear regression to test if syndrome score varired in different population # we use logistic regression to test if symptom varired in different population # in each regression, we add age and sex as covariate covars <- c("age", "sex") test_vars <- c( "agesex", "how_long_lastvac", "n_vac", "infectway_work", "infectway_family", "infectway_traffic", "infectway_hosp", "ibuprofen_use", "acetaminophen_use", "chnmed_use", "lianhua_use" ) # the first mean we only include age and sex in reg outcomes <- c(paste0(c("Respiratory", "Neurological", "Digestive", "Other"), "_score"), unlist(symptoms)) out <- c() for (test_var in test_vars) { if (test_var == "agesex") { formula <- formula("y~age+sex") } else { formula <- formula(paste0("y~age+sex+", test_var)) } # when var is how_long_lastvac, remove samples without vac if (test_var == "how_long_lastvac") { df1 <- droplevels(df %>% filter(how_long_lastvac != "no_vac")) # drop level } else { df1 <- df } for (outcome in outcomes) { print(outcome) # regression df1$y <- df1[, outcome] link <- "gaussian" # for linear reg if (!grepl("_score", outcome)) { df1$y <- ifelse(df1$y == 0, 0, 1) # binary outcome, logistic reg link <- "binomial" # for logistic reg } reg <- glm(formula, df1, family = link) coef <- data.frame(summary(reg)$coefficients) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("var") coef <- coef[2:nrow(coef), c(1, 2, 3, 5)] names(coef) <- c("var", "beta", "se", "p") # calculate distribution in sub population, n(%) or mean±sd reg_vars <- strsplit(as.character(formula)[3], " + ", fixed = T)[[1]] if (test_var != "agesex") { reg_vars <- reg_vars[!reg_vars %in% c("age", "sex")] } # we dont show coef of age and sex when testing other var for (reg_var in reg_vars) { for (group in levels(df1[, reg_var])) { temp <- df1 %>% filter(df1[, reg_var] == group) %>% pull(y) coef1 <- coef[coef$var == paste0(reg_var, group), c("beta", "se", "p")] if (nrow(coef1) == 0) { coef1 <- c("NA", "NA", "NA") } if (group == levels(df1[, reg_var])[1]) { coef1 <- c("Ref.", "NA", "NA") } d1 <- d2 <- d3 <- NA if (!grepl("_score", outcome)) { d1 <- paste0(sum(temp == 1), " (", round(sum(temp == 1) / length(temp) * 100, 2), "%)") d2 <- paste0(sum(temp == 0), " (", round(sum(temp == 0) / length(temp) * 100, 2), "%)") } else { d3 <- paste0(sprintf("%.2f", mean(temp)), "±", sprintf("%.2f", sd(temp))) } # formal name if (grepl("score", outcome)) { outcome1 <- gsub("_", " ", outcome) } else { outcome1 <- dict2 %>% filter(item_eng == outcome) %>% pull(item_eng1) } out <- c(out, outcome1, test_var, reg_var, group, d1, d2, d3, unlist(coef1)) } } } } res <- data.frame(matrix(out, ncol = 10, byrow = T)) names(res) <- c("outcome", "test_var", "reg_var", "level", "ncase", "nctrl", "mean", "beta", "se", "p") # extract significant result res1 <- data.frame() for (test_var1 in test_vars) { for (outcome1 in unique(res$outcome)) { sub <- res %>% filter(test_var == test_var1 & outcome == outcome1) if (!any(as.numeric(sub %>% filter(p != "NA") %>% pull(p)) < 0.05)) { next } res1 <- rbind(res1, sub) } } res1
R session info
R (and packages) versions I used (not necessary to be the same, but you may check if you have error).# R version I used (not necessary to be the same, but check if you have error) session = c(unname(unlist(R.version['version.string']))) for (lib in libs) {session = c(session, sprintf('%s: %s', lib, packageVersion(lib)))} paste(session, collapse='; ') # "R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15); openxlsx:; stringr: 1.5.1; dplyr: 1.1.4; stringi: 1.7.12; R.utils: 2.12.3; ggplot2: 3.4.4; ggpubr: 0.6.0; ggsci: 3.0.0; mapchina: 0.1.0; sf: 1.0.12; data.table: 1.14.8; NbClust: 3.0.1; igraph: 1.4.2; factoextra: 1.0.7"