COVID: Symptom: measure symptom profile of COVID.
Published in Journal of Medical Virology. [paper]
COVID: Impact: evaluate impact of COVID policy adjustment on paediatric healthcare.
Jinqiao cohort: identify alternative novel biomarkers for paediatric MAFLD.
Published in BMC Gastroenterology. [paper]
rsidmap: find rsid with genomic position for feasible input format (e.g., GWAS summary).
easylift: shift hg19/38 genomic position for feasible input format (e.g., GWAS summary).
easyanno: annotate mutation infomation for feasible input format (e.g., GWAS summary).
DGAT-onco: detect oncogene by comparing mutational profile.
Published in IEEE BIBM. [paper]
MR catalog: Database for genetic relationship infered by Mendelian Randomization.
LU-PSB Rshiny server: R shiny demo for dataset query and display.