MR catalog
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Weighted median
Weighted mode
Choose GWAS summary database(s):
Step 1. Overview of MR network
1.1. Choose a trait
FIN: Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
FIN: Abnormalities of forces of labour
FIN: Abrasion of teeth
FIN: Achilles tendinitis
FIN: Actinic keratosis
FIN: Acute alcohol intoxication
FIN: Acute and subacute iridocyclitis
FIN: Acute and transient psychotic disorders
FIN: Acute appendicitis
FIN: Acute appendicitis, no complications
FIN: Acute appendicitis, with complications
FIN: Acute bronchitis
FIN: Acute laryngitis and tracheitis
FIN: Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold)
FIN: Acute pancreatitis
FIN: Acute pharyngitis
FIN: Acute renal failure
FIN: Acute sinusitis
FIN: Acute suppurative otitis media
FIN: Acute thyroiditis
FIN: Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis
FIN: Acute upper respiratory infections
FIN: Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
FIN: Adenomyosis (Endometriosis of uterus)
FIN: Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
FIN: Age-related macular degeneration (whether dry or wet)
FIN: Alcohol abuse, main dg (more control exclusions)
FIN: Alcohol dependence
FIN: Alcohol use disorder, ICD-based
FIN: Alcohol use disorder, Swedish definition
FIN: All anxiety disorders
FIN: All dysplastic lesions of the cervix uteri
FIN: All dysplastic lesions of the cervix uteri, vagina or vulva
FIN: All influenza
FIN: All influenza (not pneumonia)
FIN: All pneumoniae
FIN: All-cause Heart Failure
FIN: Allergic asthma (mode)
FIN: Allergic conjunctivitis
FIN: Allergic contact dermatitis
FIN: Allergic rhinitis
FIN: Alzheimer disease
FIN: Alzheimer’s disease (Atypical or mixed) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Alzheimer’s disease, wide definition
FIN: Amenorrhoea
FIN: Anaemias
FIN: Aneurysms, operations, SAH
FIN: Angina pectoris
FIN: Ankylosing spondylitis
FIN: Anomalies of dental arch relationship, including avohilmo
FIN: Antepartum haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Anterior Iridocyclitis
FIN: Antihypertensive medication - note that there are other indications
FIN: Anxiety disorders (more control exclusions)
FIN: Any death
FIN: Any dementia (more control exclusions)
FIN: Any mental disorder
FIN: Any mental disorder, or suicide (or attempt), or psychic disorders complicating pregnancy, partum or puerperium or nerve system disorders (more control exclusions)
FIN: Aortic aneurysm
FIN: Appendectomy
FIN: Arthropathies
FIN: Arthrosis
FIN: Artrosis, including avohilmo
FIN: Asthma (more control exclusions)
FIN: Asthma (only as main-diagnosis) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Asthma and allergy
FIN: Asthma-related acute respiratory infections
FIN: Asthma-related infections
FIN: Asthma-related pneumonia
FIN: Asthma, unspecified (mode)
FIN: Asthma/COPD (KELA code 203)
FIN: Atherosclerosis, excluding cerebral, coronary and PAD
FIN: Atopic dermatitis
FIN: Atrial fibrillation and flutter
FIN: Atrial fibrillation and flutter with reimbursement
FIN: Atrophic disorders of skin
FIN: Autoimmune diseases
FIN: Autoimmune diseases excluding thyroid diseases
FIN: Autoimmune diseases excluding thyroid diseases, strict definition
FIN: Autoimmune hyperthyroidism
FIN: Autoimmune thyroiditis
FIN: AV-block
FIN: Bacterial infection, other or unspecified
FIN: Bacterial pneumoniae
FIN: Basal cell carcinoma (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Basal cell carcinoma, including avohilmo (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
FIN: Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
FIN: Bell's palsy
FIN: Benign leiomyoma with endometriosis (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Benign lipomatous neoplasm
FIN: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk
FIN: Benign mammary dysplasia
FIN: Benign neoplasm of breast
FIN: Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal
FIN: Benign neoplasm of other and ill-defined parts of digestive system
FIN: Benign neoplasm of ovary
FIN: Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Colon
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Colon, unspecified
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Parathyroid gland
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Rectum
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Rectum, anus and anal canal
FIN: Benign neoplasm: Sigmoid colon
FIN: Benign paroxysmal vertigo
FIN: Biological medication for rheuma
FIN: Bipolar affective disorders
FIN: Bleeding
FIN: Blepharochalasis
FIN: Bronchitis
FIN: Calcific aortic valvular stenosis, operated
FIN: Calculus of kidney and ureter
FIN: Candidiasis
FIN: Carcinoma in situ of breast, intraductal (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Cardiac arrest
FIN: Cardiac arrhythmias
FIN: Cardiomyopathy
FIN: Cardiomyopathy (excluding other)
FIN: Cardiovascular diseases (excluding rheumatic etc)
FIN: Carpal tunnel syndrome
FIN: Cellulitis
FIN: Cervical disc disorders
FIN: Cervicalgia
FIN: Cervicobrachial syndrome
FIN: Cervicocranial syndrome
FIN: Chalazion
FIN: Childhood allergy (age < 16)
FIN: Childhood asthma (age<16) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Cholecystectomy
FIN: Cholecystitis
FIN: Cholelithiasis
FIN: Chondropathies
FIN: Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids
FIN: Chronic gastritis
FIN: Chronic kidney disease
FIN: Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis
FIN: Chronic lower respiratory diseases
FIN: Chronic pancreatitis
FIN: Chronic periapical parodontitis
FIN: Chronic periodontitis
FIN: Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis
FIN: Chronic sinusitis
FIN: Chronic thyroiditis
FIN: Cirrhosis, broad definition used in the article
FIN: Coagulation defects, purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions
FIN: Codeine or tramadol medication
FIN: Coeliac disease
FIN: Colon adenocarcinoma (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Colonic or urogenital fistula
FIN: Colorectal adenocarcinoma (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Colorectal cancer (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Complications of labour and delivery
FIN: Complications predominantly related to the puerperium
FIN: Conduction disorders
FIN: Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome/hypothyroidism
FIN: Congenital malformations of heart and great arteries
FIN: Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
FIN: Conjunctivitis
FIN: Conjunctivitis (acute, non atopic)
FIN: Constipation
FIN: Continuous positive airway pressure
FIN: COPD/asthma/ILD related infections
FIN: Corneal ulcer
FIN: Coronary angioplasty
FIN: Coronary artery bypass grafting
FIN: Coronary atherosclerosis
FIN: Coronary revascularization (ANGIO or CABG)
FIN: Covid-19 confirmed case
FIN: Covid-19 suspected case
FIN: Coxarthrosis
FIN: Coxarthrosis, primary
FIN: Coxarthrosis, primary, with hip surgery
FIN: Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle
FIN: Cystitis
FIN: Death due to cardiac causes
FIN: Deep endometriosis
FIN: Deforming dorsopathies
FIN: Degeneration of macula and posterior pole
FIN: Dementia
FIN: Dementia in Alzheimer disease
FIN: Dementia, including avohilmo
FIN: Dental caries 1 and operation codes, only avohilmo
FIN: Dental caries 2 and operation codes, only avohilmo
FIN: Dental caries 3 and operation codes, only avohilmo
FIN: Dental pulpitis 1, only avohilmo
FIN: Dental pulpitis 3
FIN: Dentinal caries
FIN: Dentofacial anomalies [including malocclusion]
FIN: Depression
FIN: Depression medications
FIN: Depression or dysthymia
FIN: Dermatitis and eczema
FIN: Dermatophytosis
FIN: Deviated nasal septum
FIN: Diabetes, insulin treatment (Kela reimbursement) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Diabetic nephropathy (more control exclusions)
FIN: Diabetic neuropathy
FIN: Diabetic retinopathy (more control exclusions)
FIN: Diaphragmatic hernia
FIN: Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin
FIN: Diplopia
FIN: Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries (FINNGEN)
FIN: Diseases of external ear
FIN: Diseases of liver
FIN: Diseases of male genital organs
FIN: Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
FIN: Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
FIN: Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws
FIN: Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
FIN: Diseases of salivary glands
FIN: Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Diseases of vocal cords and larynx+other diseases of upper respiratory tract, no elsewhere classified
FIN: Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified
FIN: Disorder of thyroid, unspecified
FIN: Disorders of breast
FIN: Disorders of choroid and retina
FIN: Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
FIN: Disorders of lacrimal system
FIN: Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias
FIN: Disorders of muscles
FIN: Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction
FIN: Disorders of other endocrine glands
FIN: Disorders of parathyroid gland
FIN: Disorders of parathyroid gland, other and/or unspecified
FIN: Disorders of psychological development
FIN: Disorders of refraction and accommodation
FIN: Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body
FIN: Disorders of skin appendages
FIN: Disorders of synovium and tendon
FIN: Disorders of the thyroid gland
FIN: Disorders of vestibular function (Vertigo)
FIN: Disorders of vitreous body
FIN: Diverticular disease of intestine
FIN: Dorsalgia
FIN: Dorsopathies
FIN: Drug-induced thyroiditis
FIN: Dry age-related macular degeneration (includes geographic atrophy)
FIN: Duodenal ulcer
FIN: DVT of lower extremities
FIN: Early lumbar disc prolapse, operated
FIN: Early onset COPD
FIN: Ectopic pregnancy
FIN: Embedded and impacted teeth
FIN: Emotionally unstable personality disorder
FIN: Endometriosis
FIN: Endometriosis ASRM stages 1,2
FIN: Endometriosis ASRM stages 3,4
FIN: Endometriosis diagnosis and infertility diagnosis occurring together
FIN: Endometriosis of ovary
FIN: Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum
FIN: Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum and vagina
FIN: Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
FIN: Epilepsy
FIN: Episodal and paroxysmal disorders
FIN: Erectile dysfunction
FIN: Erosion of teeth, including avohilmo
FIN: Erysipelas
FIN: Excessive attrition of teeth
FIN: Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
FIN: Excessive, frequent and irregular menstruation
FIN: Extrapyramidal and movement disorders
FIN: Falls/tendency to fall
FIN: False labour
FIN: Familial hypercholesterolemia
FIN: Female genital prolapse
FIN: Female infertility
FIN: Female infertility, associated with anovulation
FIN: Female infertility, cervigal, vaginal, other or unspecified origin
FIN: Female infertility, tubal origin
FIN: Fibroblastic disorders
FIN: First line medication for Crohn's disease
FIN: Flat foot [pes planus] (acquired)
FIN: Focal epilepsy
FIN: Focal epilepsy, mode (most common among epilepsy diagnosis)
FIN: Focal epilepsy, strict definition
FIN: Follicular adenocarcinoma of thyroid gland (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue
FIN: Fracture at wrist and hand level
FIN: Fracture of femur
FIN: Fracture of foot, except ankle
FIN: Fracture of forearm
FIN: Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
FIN: Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis
FIN: Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spine
FIN: Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
FIN: Fracture of skull and facial bones
FIN: Functional dyspepsia
FIN: Ganglion
FIN: Gastric ulcer
FIN: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
FIN: Gastroduodenal ulcer
FIN: Generalized anxiety disorder
FIN: Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension
FIN: Gestational [pregnancy-induced] oedema and proteinuria without hypertension
FIN: Gestational diabetes (for exclusion)
FIN: Gingivitis and periodontal diseases
FIN: Glaucoma
FIN: Glaucoma suspect
FIN: Glomerular diseases
FIN: Glucosamine medication
FIN: Gonarthrosis
FIN: Gonarthrosis, primary, with knee surgery
FIN: Gout
FIN: Gout, strict definition
FIN: Gout, unspecified
FIN: Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
FIN: Haemorrhoids and perianal venous thrombosis
FIN: Hallux rigidus
FIN: Hallux valgus (acquired)
FIN: Hard cardiovascular diseases
FIN: Heart failure and antihypertensive medication
FIN: Heart failure and bmi 25plus
FIN: Heart failure and coronary heart disease
FIN: Heart failure, strict
FIN: Heart failure, strict (more control exclusions)
FIN: Hernia
FIN: Hernia of abdominal wall
FIN: Hernia of abdominal wall, postoperative
FIN: HSIL lesion of the cervix uteri
FIN: HSIL lesion of the cervix uteri, vagina or vulva
FIN: Hydrocele
FIN: Hyperkinetic disorders (more control exclusions)
FIN: Hyperlipidaemia, other/unspecified
FIN: Hyperparathyroidism
FIN: Hyperplasia of prostate
FIN: Hypertension
FIN: Hypertension, essential
FIN: Hypertensive Heart Disease
FIN: Hypertrophy of breast
FIN: Hypertrophy of breast in women and men
FIN: Hypo-osmolality and hyponatraemia
FIN: Hypokalaemia
FIN: Hypoparathyroidism
FIN: Hypotension
FIN: Hypothyroidism due to medicaments and other exogenous substances
FIN: Hypothyroidism, autoimmune, DX-based
FIN: Hypothyroidism, drug reimbursement
FIN: Hypothyroidism, strict autoimmune
FIN: IBD patients in KELA-register
FIN: Impacted teeth
FIN: Impingement syndrome of shoulder
FIN: Impotence
FIN: Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy
FIN: Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
FIN: Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission
FIN: Infective dermatitis
FIN: Inflammatory bowel disease, strict (require KELA)
FIN: Inflammatory disease of uterus
FIN: Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs
FIN: Inflammatory diseases of prostate (prostatitis)
FIN: Influenza and pneumonia
FIN: Inguinal hernia
FIN: Insomnia
FIN: Internal derangement of knee
FIN: Interstitial lung disease endpoints
FIN: Intestinal infectious diseases
FIN: Intracerebral haemorrhage
FIN: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) , incl. ICD-8
FIN: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) , incl. ICD-8 (more control exclusions)
FIN: Iridocyclitis
FIN: Iron deficiency anaemia
FIN: Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)
FIN: Irregular menses
FIN: Irritable bowel syndrome
FIN: Ischaemic heart disease, wide definition
FIN: Kela-code for severe mental illness
FIN: Keratitis
FIN: KRA_PSY_EATING (more control exclusions)
FIN: Labour and delivery complicated by fetal stress [distress]
FIN: Later onset COPD
FIN: Lateral epicondylitis
FIN: Leiomyoma of uterus
FIN: Lesion of ulnar nerve
FIN: Lichen ruber planus, wide definition including periferal and oral lichen planus
FIN: Long labour
FIN: Low back pain
FIN: Lower back pain or/and sciatica
FIN: LSIL lesion of the cervix uteri
FIN: LSIL lesion of the cervix uteri, vagina or vulva
FIN: Lung diseases due to external agents
FIN: Macular pucker
FIN: Major coronary heart disease event
FIN: Male infertility
FIN: Malignant melanoma (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant melanoma of skin (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of breast (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of breast, HER-negative (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of breast, HER-positive (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of colon (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of prostate (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of skin (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Maternal care for known or suspected abnormality of pelvic organs
FIN: Maternal care for known or suspected fetal abnormality and damage
FIN: Maternal care for known or suspected malpresentation of fetus
FIN: Maternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
FIN: Maternal care for other known or suspected fetal problems
FIN: Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems
FIN: Medical abortion
FIN: Medical treatment for female infertility
FIN: Melanocytic naevi
FIN: Meniscus derangement
FIN: Menorrhagia
FIN: Metabolic disorders
FIN: Metatarsalgia
FIN: Migraine
FIN: Migraine with aura
FIN: Migraine with aura and triptan purchases
FIN: Migraine without aura
FIN: Migraine without aura and triptan purchases
FIN: Migraine, single triptan purchase ok & required. ICD-code if available is included
FIN: Missing teeth due to accident, extraction or parodontitis
FIN: Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
FIN: Mood [affective] disorders
FIN: Mucosal proctocolitis
FIN: Multiple delivery
FIN: Multiple gestation
FIN: Myalgia
FIN: Mycoses
FIN: Myocardial infarction, strict
FIN: Myopia
FIN: Nasal polyp
FIN: Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders
FIN: Non-allergic asthma (mode) (more control exclusions)
FIN: Non-invasive ventilation
FIN: Non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
FIN: Non-rheumatic valve diseases
FIN: Non-small cell lung cancer (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Noninfective enteritis and colitis
FIN: Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract
FIN: Nonorganic sleeping disorders (more control exclusions)
FIN: Nonsuppurative otitis media
FIN: Nontoxic goitre/thyroid nodule
FIN: Nontoxic multinodular goitre
FIN: Nontoxic single thyroid nodule
FIN: Nontraumatic intracranial haemmorrhage
FIN: Obesity
FIN: Obesity due to excess calories
FIN: Obesity related asthma
FIN: Obesity, other/unspecified
FIN: Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation of fetus
FIN: Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality
FIN: Oligomenorrhoea
FIN: Orchitis and epididymitis
FIN: Osteopathies and chondropathies
FIN: Osteoporosis
FIN: Other (seronegative) rheumatoid arthritis, wide
FIN: Other abnormal products of conception
FIN: Other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
FIN: Other acute lower respiratory infections
FIN: Other and unspecified anaemias
FIN: Other and unspecified dermatitis
FIN: Other and unspecified disorders of vitreous body
FIN: Other and unspecified iron deficiency
FIN: Other and unspecified nerve root and plexus disorders, also in other diseases
FIN: Other and unspecified nonorganic psychotic disorders
FIN: Other and unspecified polyneuropathies, also in other diseases
FIN: Other and unspecified tonsillitis
FIN: Other and unspecified urticaria
FIN: Other arrhythmias
FIN: Other arthritis (FG)
FIN: Other arthrosis
FIN: Other bacterial diseases
FIN: Other bacterial intestinal infections
FIN: Other benign neoplasms of skin
FIN: Other bursopathies
FIN: Other cataract
FIN: Other complications of labour and delivery, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system
FIN: Other diseases of anus and rectum
FIN: Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
FIN: Other diseases of intestine
FIN: Other diseases of intestines
FIN: Other diseases of lip and oral mucosa
FIN: Other diseases of liver
FIN: Other diseases of pleura
FIN: Other diseases of the digestive system
FIN: Other diseases of the respiratory system
FIN: Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
FIN: Other diseases of urinary system
FIN: Other disorders of bladder
FIN: Other disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes
FIN: Other disorders of bone
FIN: Other disorders of breast
FIN: Other disorders of conjunctiva
FIN: Other disorders of ear
FIN: Other disorders of eye and adnexa
FIN: Other disorders of eyelid
FIN: Other disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
FIN: Other disorders of patella
FIN: Other disorders of penis
FIN: Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
FIN: Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other disorders of teeth and supporting structures
FIN: Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
FIN: Other disorders of urethra and urinary system
FIN: Other disorders of veins
FIN: Other dorsopathies, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other embolism and thrombosis
FIN: Other enthesopathies
FIN: Other extrapyramidal and movement disorders in other diseases
FIN: Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases
FIN: Other functional intestinal disorders
FIN: Other gastritis (incl. Duodenitis)
FIN: Other hammer toe(s) (acquired)
FIN: Other headache syndromes
FIN: Other hearing loss
FIN: Other heart diseases
FIN: Other inflammation of eyelid
FIN: Other intervertebral disc disorders
FIN: Other joint disorders
FIN: Other malignant neoplasms of skin (=non-melanoma skin cancer) (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Other maternal diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
FIN: Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
FIN: Other menopausal disorders
FIN: Other neurological diseases
FIN: Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
FIN: Other noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri
FIN: Other noninflammatory disorders of uterus, except cervix
FIN: Other noninflammatory disorders of vagina
FIN: Other noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
FIN: Other obstructed labour
FIN: Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
FIN: Other or unspecified ileus, impaction or obstruction
FIN: Other predominantly sexually transmitted diseases, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other puerperal infections
FIN: Other reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders
FIN: Other retinal disorders
FIN: Other septicaemia
FIN: Other shoulder lesions
FIN: Other sleep disorders
FIN: Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other strabismus
FIN: Other systemic involvement of connective tissue (FG)
FIN: Other viral diseases
FIN: Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other/unspecified dorsalgia
FIN: Other/unspecified enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Other/unspecified rheumatoid arthritis
FIN: Other/unspecified seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
FIN: Other/unspecified synovitis and tenosynovitis
FIN: Otitis externa
FIN: Otitis media, unspecified
FIN: Ovarian cyst
FIN: Ovarian dysfunction
FIN: Pain (limb, back, neck, head abdominally)
FIN: Pain and other conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
FIN: Pain in joint
FIN: Pain in limb
FIN: Pain in thoracic spine
FIN: Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]
FIN: Panic disorder
FIN: Papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid gland (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Papulosquamous disorders
FIN: Paracetamol of NSAID medication
FIN: Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction
FIN: Parkinson's disease
FIN: Parodontitis or operation codes
FIN: Parodontitis or/and operation codes
FIN: Paroxysmal tachycardia
FIN: Perineal laceration during delivery
FIN: Peritonsillar abscess
FIN: Persistent mood disorders
FIN: Personality disorders (more control exclusions)
FIN: Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (not including DVT)
FIN: Phobic anxiety disorders
FIN: Plantar fascial fibromatosis
FIN: Pleural effusion
FIN: Pollen allergy
FIN: Polyarthropathies
FIN: Polyarthrosis
FIN: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, broad definition
FIN: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, consortium definition
FIN: Polyp of the female genital tract
FIN: Poor fetal growth
FIN: Postinfectious hypothyroidism
FIN: Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis
FIN: Postmenopausal bleeding
FIN: Postpartum haemorrhage
FIN: Postpartum haemorrhage due to anatomy
FIN: Postpartum haemorrhage due to retained placenta
FIN: Postprocedural endocrine and metabolic disorders, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Pre-eclampsia
FIN: Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
FIN: Pre-eclampsia or poor fetal growth
FIN: Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
FIN: Pregnancy hypertension
FIN: Pregnancy with abortive outcome
FIN: Premature rupture of membranes
FIN: Presbycusis
FIN: Preterm labour and delivery
FIN: Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral
FIN: Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral
FIN: Primary open-angle glaucoma, strict
FIN: Primary_lymphoid and hematopoietic malignant neoplasms (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Procreative management
FIN: Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube
FIN: Prolonged pregnancy
FIN: Psoriasis
FIN: Psoriasis vulgaris
FIN: Psoriatic arthropathies
FIN: Puerperal sepsis
FIN: Pulmonary embolism
FIN: Pure hypercholesterolaemia
FIN: Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions
FIN: Radiculopathy
FIN: Reactive arthropathies
FIN: Recurrent or chronic depression
FIN: Recurring oral aphthae, including avohilmo
FIN: Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis
FIN: Renal failure
FIN: Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
FIN: Retained placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
FIN: Retention of urine
FIN: Retinal breaks without detachment
FIN: Retinal detachment with retinal break
FIN: Retinal detachments and breaks
FIN: Retinal vascular disorders
FIN: Rheumatism, unspecified
FIN: Rheumatoid arthritis
FIN: Rotator cuff syndrome
FIN: Salpingitis and oophoritis
FIN: Sarcoidosis
FIN: Schizophrenia
FIN: Schizophrenia or delusion (more control exclusions)
FIN: Seborrhoeic keratosis
FIN: Second line medication for Crohn's disease
FIN: Secondary hypertension
FIN: Senile cataract
FIN: Sensorineural hearing loss
FIN: Sequelae of cerebrovascular disease
FIN: Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
FIN: Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, strict definition
FIN: Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, wide
FIN: severe traumatic brain injury, does not include concussion
FIN: Shoulder lesions
FIN: Single delivery by caesarean section
FIN: Single delivery by forceps and vacuum extractor
FIN: Single spontaneous delivery
FIN: Sleep apnoea
FIN: Sleep apnoea, including avohilmo
FIN: Sleep disorders (combined)
FIN: Smoking
FIN: Soft tissue disorders
FIN: Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure
FIN: Somatoform disorder
FIN: Spermatocele
FIN: Spinal stenosis
FIN: Spondyloarthritis
FIN: Spondylolisthesis/Spondylolysis
FIN: Spondylopathies
FIN: Spondylopathies (FG)
FIN: Spondylosis
FIN: Spontaneous abortion
FIN: Squamous cell neoplasms and carcinomas of the skin (controls excluding all cancers)
FIN: Statin medication
FIN: Stomatitis and related lesions
FIN: Stroke, excluding SAH
FIN: Subacute thyroiditis
FIN: Subjective visual disturbances
FIN: Substance abuse (more control exclusions)
FIN: Substance use, excluding alcohol
FIN: Suicide or other Intentional self-harm
FIN: Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
FIN: Systemic connective tissue disorders
FIN: Temporomandibular joint disorders
FIN: Temporomandibular joint disorders, including avohilmo
FIN: Thoracic aortic aneurysm
FIN: Thyroid crisis or storm
FIN: Thyroiditis
FIN: Thyroiditis, unspecified
FIN: Thyrotoxicosis
FIN: Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre
FIN: Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule
FIN: Tinnitus
FIN: Tonsillectomy and adenotomy
FIN: Tooth eruption problems
FIN: Transient ischemic attack
FIN: Trigger finger
FIN: Trochanteric bursitis
FIN: Twin gestation
FIN: Type 2 diabetes, definitions combined
FIN: Type 2 diabetes, wide definition
FIN: Type1 diabetes, definitions combined
FIN: Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified
FIN: Ulcerative colitis (strict definition, require KELA, min 2 HDR)
FIN: Ulcerative colitis, NAS
FIN: Umbilical hernia
FIN: Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection
FIN: Unspecified dementia
FIN: Unspecified lump in breast
FIN: Unspecified/other endometriosis
FIN: Unstable angina pectoris
FIN: Urticaria
FIN: Use of hypnotics and sedatives
FIN: Uterine polyps
FIN: Vaginitis/vulvovaginitis/vulvitis/abscess of vulva
FIN: Valvular heart disease excluding rheumatic fever
FIN: Varicose veins
FIN: Venous thromboembolism
FIN: Ventral hernia
FIN: Vertebral, anorectal, cardiavascular, thracheoesophagial, renal and limb anomaly
FIN: Viral and other specified intestinal infections
FIN: Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
FIN: Viral pneumonia
FIN: Visual disturbances
FIN: Vocal cord dysfunction
FIN: Wet age-related macular degeneration
FIN: Zoster [herpes zoster]
SWE: CD34+
UKB: 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation
UKB: 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation
UKB: 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation
UKB: 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation
UKB: Abdominal pain
UKB: Able to confide
UKB: Able to pay rent/mortgage as an adult
UKB: Able to walk or cycle unaided for 10 minutes
UKB: Actions taken following self-harm: Receive help from friends / family / neighbours
UKB: Actions taken following self-harm: See anyone from psychiatric or mental health services, including liaison services
UKB: Actions taken following self-harm: See own GP
UKB: Activities undertaken to treat anxiety: Other therapeutic activities such as mindfulness, yoga or art classes
UKB: Activities undertaken to treat anxiety: Talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, counselling, group therapy or CBT
UKB: Activities undertaken to treat depression: Other therapeutic activities such as mindfulness, yoga or art classes
UKB: Activities undertaken to treat depression: Talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, counselling, group therapy or CBT
UKB: Added milk to filtered coffee
UKB: Added milk to standard tea
UKB: Adopted as a child
UKB: Age angina diagnosed
UKB: Age asthma diagnosed
UKB: Age at cancer diagnosis
UKB: Age at death
UKB: Age at first episode of depression
UKB: Age at last episode of depression
UKB: Age cataract diagnosed
UKB: Age completed full time education
UKB: Age deep-vein thrombosis (DVT, blood clot in leg) diagnosed
UKB: Age diabetes diagnosed
UKB: Age emphysema/chronic bronchitis diagnosed
UKB: Age hay fever, rhinitis or eczema diagnosed
UKB: Age heart attack diagnosed
UKB: Age high blood pressure diagnosed
UKB: Age started smoking in current smokers
UKB: Age started smoking in former smokers
UKB: Age started wearing glasses or contact lenses
UKB: Age stroke diagnosed
UKB: Age when first had unusual or psychotic experience
UKB: Age when last took cannabis
UKB: Alcohol
UKB: Alcohol consumed
UKB: Alcohol drinker status: Current
UKB: Alcohol drinker status: Never
UKB: Alcohol drinker status: Previous
UKB: Alcohol intake frequency.
UKB: Alcohol intake versus 10 years previously
UKB: Alcohol usually taken with meals
UKB: Amount of alcohol drunk on a typical drinking day
UKB: Amount of warping applied to non-linearly align T1 brain image to standard-space
UKB: Anal and rectal conditions
UKB: Anal and rectal polyp
UKB: Angina pectoris
UKB: Apple intake
UKB: Arm fat percentage (left)
UKB: Arm fat percentage (right)
UKB: Arm fat-free mass (left)
UKB: Arm predicted mass (left)
UKB: Arthropathy NOS
UKB: Atrial fibrillation and flutter
UKB: Attempted fluid intelligence (FI) test.
UKB: Augmentation index for PWA
UKB: Average monthly beer plus cider intake
UKB: Average monthly champagne plus white wine intake
UKB: Average monthly fortified wine intake
UKB: Average monthly intake of other alcoholic drinks
UKB: Average monthly red wine intake
UKB: Average monthly spirits intake
UKB: Average total household income before tax
UKB: Average weekly beer plus cider intake
UKB: Average weekly champagne plus white wine intake
UKB: Average weekly fortified wine intake
UKB: Average weekly intake of other alcoholic drinks
UKB: Average weekly red wine intake
UKB: Average weekly spirits intake
UKB: Avoided activities or situations because of previous stressful experience in past month
UKB: Back pain
UKB: Back pain for 3+ months
UKB: Bacon intake
UKB: Banana intake
UKB: Basal metabolic rate
UKB: Basophill count
UKB: Basophill percentage
UKB: Beef intake
UKB: Been in a confiding relationship as an adult
UKB: Been in serious accident believed to be life-threatening
UKB: Been involved in combat or exposed to war-zone
UKB: Beer/cider intake
UKB: Behaviour of cancer tumour: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Behavioural and miscellaneous addictions: A behaviour
UKB: Belief that own life is meaningful
UKB: Belittlement by partner or ex-partner as an adult
UKB: Benign neoplasm of colon
UKB: Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland
UKB: Benign neoplasm of skin
UKB: Benign neoplasm of thyroid glands
UKB: Bicycle speed
UKB: Bilateral oophorectomy (both ovaries removed)
UKB: Bipolar and major depression status: No Bipolar or Depression
UKB: Bipolar and major depression status: Probable Recurrent major depression (moderate)
UKB: Bipolar and major depression status: Probable Recurrent major depression (severe)
UKB: Bipolar and major depression status: Single Probable major depression episode
UKB: Birth weight
UKB: Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Asthma
UKB: Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Blood clot in the leg (DVT)
UKB: Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Emphysema/chronic bronchitis
UKB: Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Hayfever, allergic rhinitis or eczema
UKB: Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Blue cheese intake
UKB: Body fat percentage
UKB: Body mass index (BMI)
UKB: Bread consumed
UKB: Bread intake
UKB: Bread type: Brown
UKB: Bread type: Other type of bread
UKB: Bread type: White
UKB: Bread type: Wholemeal or wholegrain
UKB: Breakfast cereal consumed
UKB: Breastfed as a baby
UKB: Breathing problems during period of job: No
UKB: Breathing problems during period of job: Yes
UKB: Breathing problems responsible for leaving job: No
UKB: Caffeine drink within last hour
UKB: Cake intake
UKB: Calcium
UKB: Cancer code, self-reported: breast cancer
UKB: Cancer code, self-reported: prostate cancer
UKB: Cancer code, self-reported: thyroid cancer
UKB: Cancer diagnosed by doctor
UKB: Cancer of prostate
UKB: Cancer year/age first occurred
UKB: Carbohydrate
UKB: Cardiac index during PWA
UKB: Cardiac output during PWA
UKB: Carotene
UKB: Carrot intake
UKB: Cataract
UKB: Cellulitis and abscess of arm/hand
UKB: Cellulitis and abscess of foot, toe
UKB: Cellulitis and abscess of leg, except foot
UKB: Central augmentation pressure during PWA
UKB: Central pulse pressure during PWA
UKB: Central systolic blood pressure during PWA
UKB: Cereal intake
UKB: Cereal type: Biscuit cereal (e.g. Weetabix)
UKB: Cereal type: Bran cereal (e.g. All Bran, Branflakes)
UKB: Cereal type: Muesli
UKB: Cereal type: Oat cereal (e.g. Ready Brek, porridge)
UKB: Cereal type: Other (e.g. Cornflakes, Frosties)
UKB: Cheese consumers
UKB: Cheese intake
UKB: Chest pain due to walking ceases when standing still
UKB: Chest pain felt during physical activity
UKB: Chest pain felt outside physical activity
UKB: Chest pain or discomfort
UKB: Chest pain or discomfort walking normally
UKB: Chest pain or discomfort when walking uphill or hurrying
UKB: Childhood sunburn occasions
UKB: Cholelithiasis
UKB: Cholelithiasis with other cholecystitis
UKB: Coffee consumed
UKB: Coffee intake
UKB: Coffee type: Decaffeinated coffee (any type)
UKB: Coffee type: Ground coffee (include espresso, filter etc)
UKB: Coffee type: Instant coffee
UKB: Coffee type: Other type of coffee
UKB: Comparative body size at age 10
UKB: Completion status of test: Fully completed
UKB: Completion status of test: Heart rate reached safety level
UKB: Completion status of test: Participant wanted to stop early
UKB: Consecutive night shifts during mixed shift periods
UKB: Constipation
UKB: Contemplated self-harm in past year
UKB: Cooked vegetable intake
UKB: Coronary atherosclerosis
UKB: Crisp intake
UKB: Cucumber intake
UKB: Current tobacco smoking
UKB: Dark chocolate intake
UKB: Day shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job
UKB: Day shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job
UKB: Day shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Friday
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Monday
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Saturday
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Thursday
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Tuesday
UKB: Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Wednesday
UKB: Daytime dozing / sleeping (narcolepsy)
UKB: Decaffeinated coffee
UKB: Depression possibly related to childbirth
UKB: Depression possibly related to stressful or traumatic event
UKB: Dessert consumers
UKB: Diabetes diagnosed by doctor
UKB: Diagnosed with life-threatening illness
UKB: Diaphragmatic hernia
UKB: Diastolic blood pressure, automated reading
UKB: Diastolic blood pressure, manual reading
UKB: Diastolic brachial blood pressure
UKB: Diastolic brachial blood pressure during PWA
UKB: Did your sleep change?
UKB: Difference in mobile phone use compared to two years previously
UKB: Difficulty concentrating during worst depression
UKB: Difficulty concentrating during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Difficulty not smoking for 1 day
UKB: Difficulty stopping worrying during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Discrepancy between rfMRI brain image and T1 brain image
UKB: Discrepancy between SWI brain image and T1 brain image
UKB: Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (linearly-aligned)
UKB: Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (nonlinearly-aligned)
UKB: Discrepancy between T2 FLAIR brain image and T1 brain image
UKB: Discrepancy between tfMRI brain image and T1 brain image
UKB: Diseases of hair and hair follicles
UKB: Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS
UKB: Distress caused by unusual or psychotic experiences
UKB: Diverticulosis
UKB: Dried fruit intake
UKB: Drinking water intake
UKB: Drive faster than motorway speed limit
UKB: Duration of fitness test
UKB: Duration of heavy DIY
UKB: Duration of light DIY
UKB: Duration of moderate activity
UKB: Duration of other exercises
UKB: Duration of strenuous sports
UKB: Duration of vigorous activity
UKB: Duration of walks
UKB: Duration of worst depression
UKB: Duration screen displayed
UKB: Duration to complete alphanumeric path (trail #2)
UKB: Duration to complete numeric path (trail #1)
UKB: Duration to entering value
UKB: Duration to first press of snap-button in each round
UKB: Duration walking for pleasure
UKB: Dysphagia
UKB: Ease of skin tanning
UKB: Easily tired during worst period of anxiety
UKB: ECG, heart rate
UKB: ECG, load
UKB: ECG, number of stages in a phase
UKB: ECG, phase duration
UKB: ECG, phase time
UKB: Egg consumers
UKB: End systolic pressure during PWA
UKB: End systolic pressure index during PWA
UKB: Energy
UKB: Englyst dietary fibre
UKB: Enthesopathy
UKB: Eosinophill count
UKB: Eosinophill percentage
UKB: Errors before selecting correct item in alphanumeric path (trail #2)
UKB: Errors before selecting correct item in numeric path (trail #1)
UKB: Esophagitis, GERD and related diseases
UKB: Ever addicted to a behaviour or miscellanous
UKB: Ever addicted to alcohol
UKB: Ever addicted to any substance or behaviour
UKB: Ever addicted to illicit or recreational drugs
UKB: Ever addicted to prescription or over-the-counter medication
UKB: Ever attempted suicide
UKB: Ever been injured or injured someone else through drinking alcohol: No
UKB: Ever been injured or injured someone else through drinking alcohol: Yes, but not in the last year
UKB: Ever contemplated self-harm
UKB: Ever depressed for a whole week
UKB: Ever felt worried, tense, or anxious for most of a month or longer
UKB: Ever had hysterectomy (womb removed)
UKB: Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: No
UKB: Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: Yes, but not in the last year
UKB: Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: Yes, during the last year
UKB: Ever had period extreme irritability
UKB: Ever had period of mania / excitability
UKB: Ever had prolonged feelings of sadness or depression
UKB: Ever had prolonged loss of interest in normal activities
UKB: Ever had stillbirth, spontaneous miscarriage or termination
UKB: Ever heard an un-real voice
UKB: Ever highly irritable/argumentative for 2 days
UKB: Ever manic/hyper for 2 days
UKB: Ever prescribed a medication for unusual or psychotic experiences
UKB: Ever seen an un-real vision
UKB: Ever self-harmed
UKB: Ever smoked
UKB: Ever sought or received professional help for mental distress
UKB: Ever stopped smoking for 6+ months
UKB: Ever suffered mental distress preventing usual activities
UKB: Ever taken cannabis
UKB: Ever taken oral contraceptive pill
UKB: Ever talked to a health professional about unusual or psychotic experiences
UKB: Ever thought that life not worth living
UKB: Ever tried to stop smoking
UKB: Ever unenthusiastic/disinterested for a whole week
UKB: Ever used hormone-replacement therapy (HRT)
UKB: Ever worried more than most people would in similar situation
UKB: Excessive or frequent menstruation
UKB: Exposure to tobacco smoke at home
UKB: Exposure to tobacco smoke outside home
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Cataract
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Diabetes related eye disease
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Glaucoma
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Injury or trauma resulting in loss of vision
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Macular degeneration
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: Other serious eye condition
UKB: Eye problems/disorders: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Facial ageing
UKB: Facial pains for 3+ months
UKB: Falls in the last year
UKB: Family relationship satisfaction
UKB: Fat
UKB: Fat removed from meat
UKB: Father still alive
UKB: Father's age at death
UKB: Fed-up feelings
UKB: Feelings of tiredness during worst episode of depression
UKB: Feelings of worthlessness during worst period of depression
UKB: Felt distant from other people in past month
UKB: Felt hated by family member as a child
UKB: Felt irritable or had angry outbursts in past month
UKB: Felt loved as a child
UKB: Felt very upset when reminded of stressful experience in past month
UKB: FI1 : numeric addition test
UKB: FI10 : arithmetic sequence recognition
UKB: FI11 : antonym
UKB: FI12 : square sequence recognition
UKB: FI3 : word interpolation
UKB: FI4 : positional arithmetic
UKB: FI5 : family relationship calculation
UKB: FI6 : conditional arithmetic
UKB: FI7 : synonym
UKB: FI8 : chained arithmetic
UKB: FI9 : concept interpolation
UKB: Filtered coffee intake
UKB: Final attempt correct: no
UKB: Final attempt correct: yes
UKB: Financial situation satisfaction
UKB: Fish consumer
UKB: Fizzy drink intake
UKB: Fluid intelligence completion status: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Fluid intelligence score
UKB: Folate
UKB: Food weight
UKB: Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1)
UKB: Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), Best measure
UKB: Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), predicted percentage
UKB: Forced vital capacity (FVC)
UKB: Former alcohol drinker
UKB: Fortified wine intake
UKB: Fraction of day affected during worst episode of depression
UKB: Fracture of radius and ulna
UKB: Fracture resulting from simple fall
UKB: Fractured bone site(s): Ankle
UKB: Fractured bone site(s): Arm
UKB: Fractured bone site(s): Other bones
UKB: Fractured bone site(s): Wrist
UKB: Fractured/broken bones in last 5 years
UKB: Frequency of consuming six or more units of alcohol
UKB: Frequency of depressed days during worst episode of depression
UKB: Frequency of depressed mood in last 2 weeks
UKB: Frequency of difficulty controlling worry during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Frequency of drinking alcohol
UKB: Frequency of failure to fulfil normal expectations due to drinking alcohol in last year
UKB: Frequency of feeling guilt or remorse after drinking alcohol in last year
UKB: Frequency of friend/family visits
UKB: Frequency of heavy DIY in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequency of inability to cease drinking in last year
UKB: Frequency of inability to stop worrying during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Frequency of light DIY in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequency of memory loss due to drinking alcohol in last year
UKB: Frequency of needing morning drink of alcohol after heavy drinking session in last year
UKB: Frequency of other exercises in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequency of solarium/sunlamp use
UKB: Frequency of stair climbing in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequency of strenuous sports in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequency of tenseness / restlessness in last 2 weeks
UKB: Frequency of tiredness / lethargy in last 2 weeks
UKB: Frequency of unenthusiasm / disinterest in last 2 weeks
UKB: Frequency of unusual or psychotic experiences in past year
UKB: Frequency of walking for pleasure in last 4 weeks
UKB: Frequent trouble falling or staying asleep during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Fresh fruit intake
UKB: Fresh tomato intake
UKB: Fried potatoes intake
UKB: Friendships satisfaction
UKB: Fruit consumers
UKB: Gap coding: Full-time or part-time education
UKB: Gap coding: Looking after the home and/or family
UKB: Gap coding: Paid work for less than 15 hours per week on average or lasting less than 6 months
UKB: Gap coding: Retired
UKB: Gap coding: Unable to work due to sickness or disability
UKB: Gap coding: Unemployed
UKB: Gap coding: Unpaid or voluntary work
UKB: Gastritis and duodenitis
UKB: General happiness
UKB: General happiness with own health
UKB: General pain for 3+ months
UKB: Gestational diabetes only
UKB: Getting up in morning
UKB: Guilty feelings
UKB: Had major operations
UKB: Had menopause
UKB: Had other major operations
UKB: Haematocrit percentage
UKB: Haemoglobin concentration
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Black
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Blonde
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Dark brown
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Light brown
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Other
UKB: Hair colour (natural, before greying): Red
UKB: Hair/balding pattern: Pattern 1
UKB: Hair/balding pattern: Pattern 2
UKB: Hair/balding pattern: Pattern 3
UKB: Hair/balding pattern: Pattern 4
UKB: Hallux valgus (Bunion)
UKB: Hand grip strength (left)
UKB: Hand grip strength (right)
UKB: Handedness (chirality/laterality): Left-handed
UKB: Handedness (chirality/laterality): Right-handed
UKB: Handedness (chirality/laterality): Use both right and left hands equally
UKB: Hands-free device/speakerphone use with mobile phone in last 3 month
UKB: Happiness
UKB: Hard cheese intake
UKB: Headaches for 3+ months
UKB: Health satisfaction
UKB: Hearing aid user
UKB: Hearing difficulty/problems with background noise
UKB: Hearing difficulty/problems: No
UKB: Hearing difficulty/problems: Yes
UKB: Heart rate during PWA
UKB: Heel bone mineral density (BMD)
UKB: Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated
UKB: Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (left)
UKB: Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (right)
UKB: Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry
UKB: Hematuria
UKB: Hemorrhage of rectum and anus
UKB: Hemorrhoids
UKB: High light scatter reticulocyte count
UKB: High light scatter reticulocyte percentage
UKB: Hip circumference
UKB: Hip pain for 3+ months
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling - less sparse
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Town and Fringe - less sparse
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Urban - less sparse
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Village - less sparse
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Large Urban Area
UKB: Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Other Urban Area
UKB: Home location at assessment - east co-ordinate (rounded)
UKB: Home location at assessment - north co-ordinate (rounded)
UKB: How are people in household related to participant: Husband, wife or partner
UKB: How are people in household related to participant: Mother and/or father
UKB: How are people in household related to participant: Other unrelated
UKB: How are people in household related to participant: Son and/or daughter (include step-children)
UKB: Hyperparathyroidism
UKB: Hyperplasia of prostate
UKB: Hypothyroidism NOS
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Death of a close relative
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Death of a spouse or partner
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Financial difficulties
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Marital separation/divorce
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Serious illness, injury or assault of a close relative
UKB: Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Serious illness, injury or assault to yourself
UKB: Illnesses of father: Alzheimer's disease/dementia
UKB: Illnesses of father: Bowel cancer
UKB: Illnesses of father: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema
UKB: Illnesses of father: Diabetes
UKB: Illnesses of father: Heart disease
UKB: Illnesses of father: High blood pressure
UKB: Illnesses of father: Lung cancer
UKB: Illnesses of father: Parkinson's disease
UKB: Illnesses of father: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Illnesses of father: Prostate cancer
UKB: Illnesses of father: Severe depression
UKB: Illnesses of father: Stroke
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Alzheimer's disease/dementia
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Bowel cancer
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Breast cancer
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Diabetes
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Heart disease
UKB: Illnesses of mother: High blood pressure
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Lung cancer
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Parkinson's disease
UKB: Illnesses of mother: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Severe depression
UKB: Illnesses of mother: Stroke
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Bowel cancer
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Breast cancer
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Diabetes
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Heart disease
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: High blood pressure
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Lung cancer
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Prostate cancer
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Severe depression
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Stroke
UKB: Immature reticulocyte fraction
UKB: Impact on normal roles during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Impact on normal roles during worst period of depression
UKB: Impedance of arm (left)
UKB: Impedance of arm (right)
UKB: Impedance of leg (right)
UKB: Impedance of whole body
UKB: Inguinal hernia
UKB: Injury, NOS
UKB: Instant coffee intake
UKB: Intake of sugar added to coffee
UKB: Internal derangement of knee
UKB: Interpolated Age of participant when cancer first diagnosed
UKB: Interval between previous point and current one in alphanumeric path (trail #2)
UKB: Interval between previous point and current one in numeric path (trail #1)
UKB: Inverted contrast-to-noise ratio in T1
UKB: Inverted signal-to-noise ratio in T1
UKB: Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in artefact-cleaned pre-processed rfMRI
UKB: Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed rfMRI
UKB: Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed tfMRI
UKB: Iron
UKB: Iron deficiency anemias, unspecified or not due to blood loss
UKB: Irregular menstrual bleeding
UKB: Irritability
UKB: Keyed up or on edge during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Knee pain for 3+ months
UKB: Known or suspected fetal abnormality affecting management of mother
UKB: Lamb/mutton intake
UKB: Leg fat mass (left)
UKB: Leg fat mass (right)
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Adult education class
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Other group activity
UKB: Leisure/social activities: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Pub or social club
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Religious group
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Sports club or gym
UKB: Length of longest manic/irritable episode
UKB: Length of mobile phone use
UKB: Length of time at current address
UKB: Length of working week for main job
UKB: Lettuce intake
UKB: Lifetime number of depressed periods
UKB: Light smokers, at least 100 smokes in lifetime
UKB: Likelihood of resuming smoking
UKB: Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
UKB: logMAR, final (left)
UKB: logMAR, final (right)
UKB: Loneliness, isolation
UKB: Long-standing illness, disability or infirmity
UKB: Longest period of depression
UKB: Longest period of mania or irritability
UKB: Longest period of unenthusiasm / disinterest
UKB: Longest period spent worried or anxious
UKB: Loud music exposure frequency
UKB: Low calorie drink intake
UKB: Lymphocyte count
UKB: Lymphocyte percentage
UKB: Magnesium
UKB: Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: No
UKB: Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: Yes, because of illness
UKB: Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: Yes, because of other reasons
UKB: Malignant neoplasm of female breast
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: All of the above
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: I needed less sleep than usual
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more active than usual
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more creative or had more ideas than usual
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more talkative than usual
UKB: Manic/hyper symptoms: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I needed less sleep than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was easily distracted
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more active than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more confident than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more creative or had more ideas than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more restless than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more talkative than usual
UKB: Manifestations of mania or irritability: My thoughts were racing
UKB: Maternal smoking around birth
UKB: Maximum digits remembered correctly
UKB: Maximum frequency of taking cannabis
UKB: Maximum heart rate during fitness test
UKB: Maximum workload during fitness test
UKB: Mean arterial pressure during PWA
UKB: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
UKB: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
UKB: Mean corpuscular volume
UKB: Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in fornix on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean platelet (thrombocyte) volume
UKB: Mean reticulocyte volume
UKB: Mean rfMRI head motion, averaged across space and time points
UKB: Mean sphered cell volume
UKB: Mean tfMRI head motion, averaged across space and time points
UKB: Mean time to correctly identify matches
UKB: Meat consumers
UKB: Median BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation
UKB: Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation
UKB: Median T2star in accumbens (left)
UKB: Median T2star in accumbens (right)
UKB: Median T2star in amygdala (left)
UKB: Median T2star in amygdala (right)
UKB: Median T2star in caudate (left)
UKB: Median T2star in caudate (right)
UKB: Median T2star in hippocampus (left)
UKB: Median T2star in hippocampus (right)
UKB: Median T2star in pallidum (left)
UKB: Median T2star in pallidum (right)
UKB: Median T2star in putamen (left)
UKB: Median T2star in putamen (right)
UKB: Median T2star in thalamus (left)
UKB: Median T2star in thalamus (right)
UKB: Median z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation
UKB: Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes: Blood pressure medication
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes: Cholesterol lowering medication
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes: Insulin
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, or take exogenous hormones: Blood pressure medication
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, or take exogenous hormones: Cholesterol lowering medication
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, or take exogenous hormones: Hormone replacement therapy
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, or take exogenous hormones: Oral contraceptive pill or minipill
UKB: Medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, or take exogenous hormones: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Aspirin
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen)
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Laxatives (e.g. Dulcolax, Senokot)
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Omeprazole (e.g. Zanprol)
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Paracetamol
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Ranitidine (e.g. Zantac)
UKB: Methods of self-harm used: Ingesting a medication in excess of the normal dose
UKB: Methods of self-harm used: Self-injury such as self-cutting, scratching or hitting, etc.
UKB: Milk chocolate intake
UKB: Milk intake
UKB: Milk type used: Full cream
UKB: Milk type used: Never/rarely have milk
UKB: Milk type used: Other type of milk
UKB: Milk type used: Semi-skimmed
UKB: Milk type used: Skimmed
UKB: Milk type used: Soya
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Calcium
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Fish oil (including cod liver oil)
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Glucosamine
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Iron
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Selenium
UKB: Mineral and other dietary supplements: Zinc
UKB: Miscarriage; stillbirth
UKB: Miserableness
UKB: Mixture of day and night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job
UKB: Mixture of day and night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job
UKB: Mixture of day and night shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job
UKB: Monocyte count
UKB: Monocyte percentage
UKB: Mood swings
UKB: More irritable than usual during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Morning/evening person (chronotype)
UKB: Mother still alive
UKB: Mother's age at death
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Bleeding gums
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Dentures
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Loose teeth
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Mouth ulcers
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Painful gums
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Toothache
UKB: Mucous polyp of cervix
UKB: Multiple worries during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Myocardial infarction
UKB: Nap during day
UKB: Neck/shoulder pain for 3+ months
UKB: Nervous feelings
UKB: Neuroticism score
UKB: Neutrophill count
UKB: Neutrophill percentage
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Dairy products
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Eggs or foods containing eggs
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: I eat all of the above
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Sugar or foods/drinks containing sugar
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Wheat products
UKB: Night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job
UKB: Night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job
UKB: Night shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job
UKB: No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration maximum
UKB: No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration median
UKB: No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration minimum
UKB: No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration standard deviation
UKB: Non-accidental death in close genetic family
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Flora Pro-Active or Benecol
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Olive oil based spread (eg: Bertolli)
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Other low or reduced fat spread
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Other type of spread/margarine
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Polyunsaturated/sunflower oil based spread (eg: Flora)
UKB: Non-butter spread type details: Soft (tub) margarine
UKB: Non-oily fish intake
UKB: Noninfectious gastroenteritis
UKB: Nonspecific chest pain
UKB: Nucleated red blood cell count
UKB: Nucleated red blood cell percentage
UKB: Number in household
UKB: Number of attempts
UKB: Number of beats in waveform average for PWA
UKB: Number of cigarettes currently smoked daily (current cigarette smokers)
UKB: Number of cigarettes previously smoked daily
UKB: Number of correct matches in round
UKB: Number of days/week of moderate physical activity 10+ minutes
UKB: Number of days/week of vigorous physical activity 10+ minutes
UKB: Number of days/week walked 10+ minutes
UKB: Number of depression episodes
UKB: Number of diet questionnaires completed
UKB: Number of full brothers
UKB: Number of full sisters
UKB: Number of incorrect matches in round
UKB: Number of jobs held
UKB: Number of night shifts worked monthly during mixed shift periods
UKB: Number of older siblings
UKB: Number of operations, self-reported
UKB: Number of self-reported cancers
UKB: Number of self-reported non-cancer illnesses
UKB: Number of symbol digit matches attempted
UKB: Number of symbol digit matches made correctly
UKB: Number of things worried about during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Number of times self-harmed
UKB: Number of times snap-button pressed
UKB: Number of trend entries
UKB: Number of unenthusiastic/disinterested episodes
UKB: Number of unsuccessful stop-smoking attempts
UKB: Oily fish intake
UKB: Orange intake
UKB: Orange juice intake
UKB: Osteoarthritis; localized
UKB: Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary
UKB: Other anemias
UKB: Other diseases of respiratory system, NEC
UKB: Other disorders of male genital organs
UKB: Other disorders of thyroid
UKB: Other eye problems
UKB: Other headache syndromes
UKB: Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality
UKB: Other non-epithelial cancer of skin
UKB: Other peripheral nerve disorders
UKB: Other serious medical condition/disability diagnosed by doctor
UKB: Other specified gastritis
UKB: Ovarian cyst
UKB: Overall acceleration average
UKB: Overall health rating
UKB: Pack years adult smoking as proportion of life span exposed to smoking
UKB: Pack years of smoking
UKB: Pain in joint
UKB: Pain in limb
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Back pain
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Facial pain
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Headache
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Hip pain
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Knee pain
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Neck or shoulder pain
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Pain all over the body
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Stomach or abdominal pain
UKB: Pairs matching completion status: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Part of a multiple birth
UKB: Past tobacco smoking
UKB: Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
UKB: Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
UKB: Peripheral pulse pressure during PWA
UKB: Physical violence by partner or ex-partner as an adult
UKB: Physically abused by family as a child
UKB: Place of birth in UK - east co-ordinate
UKB: Place of birth in UK - north co-ordinate
UKB: Platelet count
UKB: Platelet crit
UKB: Platelet distribution width
UKB: Plays computer games
UKB: Polyp of corpus uteri
UKB: Polyunsaturated fat
UKB: Pork intake
UKB: Portion size
UKB: Postmenopausal bleeding
UKB: Potassium
UKB: Poultry intake
UKB: Processed meat intake
UKB: Professional informed about anxiety
UKB: Professional informed about depression
UKB: Prolapse of vaginal walls
UKB: Prospective memory result
UKB: Protein
UKB: Pulse rate
UKB: Pulse rate, automated reading
UKB: Pulse wave Arterial Stiffness index
UKB: Pulse wave peak to peak time
UKB: Pulse wave reflection index
UKB: Qualifications: A levels/AS levels or equivalent
UKB: Qualifications: College or University degree
UKB: Qualifications: CSEs or equivalent
UKB: Qualifications: NVQ or HND or HNC or equivalent
UKB: Qualifications: O levels/GCSEs or equivalent
UKB: Qualifications: Other professional qualifications eg: nursing, teaching
UKB: Qualifications: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For 'astigmatism'
UKB: Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For just reading/near work as you are getting older (called 'presbyopia')
UKB: Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For long-sightedness, i.e. for distance and near, but particularly for near tasks like reading (called 'hypermetropia')
UKB: Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For short-sightedness, i.e. only or mainly for distance viewing such as driving, cinema etc (called 'myopia')
UKB: Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Doctor's advice
UKB: Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Financial reasons
UKB: Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Health precaution
UKB: Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Illness or ill health
UKB: Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Other reason
UKB: Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Doctor's advice
UKB: Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Financial reasons
UKB: Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Health precaution
UKB: Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Illness or ill health
UKB: Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Other reason
UKB: Recent changes in speed/amount of moving or speaking
UKB: Recent easy annoyance or irritability
UKB: Recent feelings of depression
UKB: Recent feelings of foreboding
UKB: Recent feelings of inadequacy
UKB: Recent feelings of tiredness or low energy
UKB: Recent feelings or nervousness or anxiety
UKB: Recent inability to stop or control worrying
UKB: Recent lack of interest or pleasure in doing things
UKB: Recent poor appetite or overeating
UKB: Recent restlessness
UKB: Recent thoughts of suicide or self-harm
UKB: Recent trouble concentrating on things
UKB: Recent trouble relaxing
UKB: Recent worrying too much about different things
UKB: Red blood cell (erythrocyte) count
UKB: Red blood cell (erythrocyte) distribution width
UKB: Red wine intake
UKB: Redundant prepuce and phimosis/BXO
UKB: Reflux esophagitis
UKB: Repeated disturbing thoughts of stressful experience in past month
UKB: Reported occurrences of cancer
UKB: Reproduciblity of spirometry measurement using ERS/ATS criteria
UKB: Rest days during mixed shift periods
UKB: Restless during period of worst anxiety
UKB: Reticulocyte count
UKB: Reticulocyte percentage
UKB: Retinol
UKB: Risk taking
UKB: Rose wine intake
UKB: Round of numeric memory test
UKB: Salad / raw vegetable intake
UKB: Salt added to food
UKB: Saturated fat
UKB: Savoury snack consumers
UKB: Sebaceous cyst
UKB: Seen a psychiatrist for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression
UKB: Seen doctor (GP) for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression
UKB: Self-harmed in past year
UKB: Senile cataract
UKB: Sensitivity / hurt feelings
UKB: Severity of manic/irritable episodes
UKB: Severity of problems due to mania or irritability
UKB: Sexual interference by partner or ex-partner without consent as an adult
UKB: Sexually molested as a child
UKB: Shortness of breath walking on level ground
UKB: Side salad intake
UKB: Size of red wine glass drunk: large (250ml)
UKB: Size of red wine glass drunk: medium (175ml)
UKB: Size of red wine glass drunk: small (125ml)
UKB: Size of rose wine glass drunk: medium (175ml)
UKB: Size of rose wine glass drunk: small (125ml)
UKB: Size of white wine glass drunk: medium (175ml)
UKB: Size of white wine glass drunk: small (125ml)
UKB: Skin colour
UKB: Skin removed from poultry
UKB: Sleep duration
UKB: Sleeping too much
UKB: Sleeplessness / insomnia
UKB: Smoked cigarette or pipe within last hour
UKB: Smoking status: Current
UKB: Smoking status: Never
UKB: Smoking status: Previous
UKB: Smoking/smokers in household
UKB: Snoring
UKB: Soft cheese intake
UKB: Someone to take to doctor when needed as a child
UKB: Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (left)
UKB: Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (right)
UKB: Spirits intake
UKB: Spread type: Butter/spreadable butter
UKB: Spread type: Never/rarely use spread
UKB: Spread type: Other type of spread/margarine
UKB: Standard deviation of acceleration
UKB: Standard tea intake
UKB: Standing height
UKB: Starch
UKB: Starchy food consumers
UKB: Started insulin within one year diagnosis of diabetes
UKB: Stomach/abdominal pain for 3+ months
UKB: stress incontinence, female
UKB: Stroke volume during PWA
UKB: Stronger worrying (than other people) during period of worst anxiety
UKB: Substances taken for anxiety: Drugs or alcohol (more than once)
UKB: Substances taken for anxiety: Medication prescribed to you (for at least two weeks)
UKB: Substances taken for anxiety: Unprescribed medication (more than once)
UKB: Substances taken for depression: Drugs or alcohol (more than once)
UKB: Substances taken for depression: Medication prescribed to you (for at least two weeks)
UKB: Substances taken for depression: Unprescribed medication (more than once)
UKB: Suffer from 'nerves'
UKB: Sweet biscuits intake
UKB: Sweet pepper intake
UKB: Sweet snack consumers
UKB: Sweets intake
UKB: Symbol digit completion status: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Symptoms involving digestive system
UKB: Syncope and collapse
UKB: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading
UKB: Systolic blood pressure, manual reading
UKB: Systolic brachial blood pressure
UKB: Systolic brachial blood pressure during PWA
UKB: Taking other prescription medications
UKB: Target heart rate achieved
UKB: Tea consumed
UKB: Tea intake
UKB: Tense / 'highly strung'
UKB: Tense, sore, or aching muscles during worst period of anxiety
UKB: Thoughts of death during worst depression
UKB: Thyroid cancer
UKB: Time from waking to first cigarette
UKB: Time spend outdoors in summer
UKB: Time spent doing light physical activity
UKB: Time spent doing moderate physical activity
UKB: Time spent doing vigorous physical activity
UKB: Time spent driving
UKB: Time spent outdoors in winter
UKB: Time spent using computer
UKB: Time spent watching television (TV)
UKB: Time to answer
UKB: Time to complete round
UKB: Tinnitus severity/nuisance
UKB: Tinnitus: No, never
UKB: Tinnitus: Yes, but not now, but have in the past
UKB: Tinnitus: Yes, now a lot of the time
UKB: Tinnitus: Yes, now most or all of the time
UKB: Tinnitus: Yes, now some of the time
UKB: Total errors traversing alphanumeric path (trail #2)
UKB: Total errors traversing numeric path (trail #1)
UKB: Total peripheral resistance during PWA
UKB: Total sugars
UKB: Total volume of white matter hyperintensities (from T1 and T2_FLAIR images)
UKB: Townsend deprivation index at recruitment
UKB: Trail making completion status: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Trouble falling asleep
UKB: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
UKB: Trunk fat percentage
UKB: Type milk consumed: did not have milk
UKB: Type milk consumed: semiskimmed
UKB: Type milk consumed: skimmed
UKB: Type milk consumed: soya with calcium
UKB: Type milk consumed: soya without calcium
UKB: Type milk consumed: wholemilk
UKB: Type of accommodation lived in: A flat, maisonette or apartment
UKB: Type of accommodation lived in: A house or bungalow
UKB: Type of cancer: ICD10: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Butter
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Cholesterol lowering polyunsaturated margarine
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Cooking fat unknown
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Dairy spread
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Lard
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat butter
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat olive spread for
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat polyunsaturated margarine
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat butter
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat olive spread
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat polyunsaturated margarine
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Olive oil
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Olive spread
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Other oil
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Polyunsaturated margarine
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Rapeseed oil
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Spreadable butter
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Sunflower oil
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Unknown/other soft margarine
UKB: Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Vegetable oil
UKB: Type of meals eaten: Bought sandwiches
UKB: Type of meals eaten: Home cooked meals
UKB: Type of meals eaten: Ready meals
UKB: Type of meals eaten: Restaurant meals
UKB: Type of meals eaten: Takeaway meals
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Gluten-free
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Lactose-free
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Low calorie
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Other
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Vegetarian
UKB: Type of tobacco currently smoked: Cigars or pipes
UKB: Type of tobacco currently smoked: Hand-rolled cigarettes
UKB: Type of tobacco currently smoked: Manufactured cigarettes
UKB: Type of tobacco previously smoked: Cigars or pipes
UKB: Type of tobacco previously smoked: Hand-rolled cigarettes
UKB: Type of tobacco previously smoked: Manufactured cigarettes
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Heavy DIY (eg: weeding, lawn mowing, carpentry, digging)
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Light DIY (eg: pruning, watering the lawn)
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Other exercises (eg: swimming, cycling, keep fit, bowling)
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Strenuous sports
UKB: Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Walking for pleasure (not as a means of transport)
UKB: Unsalted nuts intake
UKB: Unspecified monoarthritis
UKB: Urinary incontinence
UKB: Urinary tract infection
UKB: Use of sun/uv protection
UKB: Usual length of each night shift during mixed shift periods
UKB: Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Equally left and right
UKB: Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Left
UKB: Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Right
UKB: Usual walking pace
UKB: Uterine leiomyoma
UKB: Uterine/Uterovaginal prolapse
UKB: Variation in diet
UKB: Varicose veins of lower extremity
UKB: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Angina
UKB: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Heart attack
UKB: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: High blood pressure
UKB: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Stroke
UKB: Vegetable consumers
UKB: Vegetarian alternatives intake
UKB: Victim of physically violent crime
UKB: Victim of sexual assault
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Folic acid or Folate (Vit B9)
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Multivitamins +/- minerals
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin A
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin B
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin C
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin D
UKB: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin E
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Calcium
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Evening primrose
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Fish oil
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Folic acid
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Glucosamine/chondroitin
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Iron
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Magnesium
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin with iron
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin with multimineral
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Other vitamin
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Selenium
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin B12
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin B6
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin C
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin D
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin E
UKB: Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Zinc
UKB: Vitamin B12
UKB: Vitamin B6
UKB: Vitamin C
UKB: Vitamin D
UKB: Vitamin E
UKB: Vitamin supplement user
UKB: Volume of accumbens (left)
UKB: Volume of accumbens (right)
UKB: Volume of amygdala (left)
UKB: Volume of amygdala (right)
UKB: Volume of brain stem + 4th ventricle
UKB: Volume of brain, grey+white matter
UKB: Volume of brain, grey+white matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of caudate (left)
UKB: Volume of caudate (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter
UKB: Volume of grey matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Brain-Stem
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Caudate (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Caudate (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars opercularis (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars opercularis (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, inferior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, inferior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, superior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, superior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parietal Operculum Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Parietal Operculum Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Planum Polare (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Planum Polare (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Planum Temporale (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Planum Temporale (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Postcentral Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Postcentral Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Precentral Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Precentral Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Precuneous Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Precuneous Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Putamen (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Putamen (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Frontal Gyrus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Frontal Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex, anterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex, anterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex, posterior division (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex, posterior division (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Pole (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Temporal Pole (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Thalamus (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Thalamus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in V Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in V Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Ventral Striatum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Ventral Striatum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis Crus I Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis Crus II Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis IX Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis VI Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis VIIb Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis VIIIa Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis VIIIb Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Vermis X Cerebellum
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (right)
UKB: Volume of hippocampus (left)
UKB: Volume of hippocampus (right)
UKB: Volume of pallidum (left)
UKB: Volume of pallidum (right)
UKB: Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter
UKB: Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of putamen (right)
UKB: Volume of thalamus (left)
UKB: Volume of thalamus (right)
UKB: Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid
UKB: Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of white matter
UKB: Volume of white matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Waist circumference
UKB: Waking too early
UKB: Wants to stop smoking
UKB: Water intake
UKB: Wears glasses or contact lenses
UKB: Weekly usage of mobile phone in last 3 months
UKB: Weight change compared with 1 year ago
UKB: Weight change during worst episode of depression: Both gained and lost some weight during the episode
UKB: Weight change during worst episode of depression: Gained weight
UKB: Weight change during worst episode of depression: Lost weight
UKB: Weight change during worst episode of depression: Stayed about the same or was on a diet
UKB: Weight, manual entry
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ICVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L2 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L3 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract acoustic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract corticospinal tract (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract forceps major
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract forceps minor
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract medial lemniscus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract medial lemniscus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract superior thalamic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract uncinate fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract uncinate fasciculus (right)
UKB: Wheeze or whistling in the chest in last year
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by astigmatism: Both eyes
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by astigmatism: Left eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by astigmatism: Right eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Both eyes
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Left eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Right eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Both eyes
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Left eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Right eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Both eyes
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Left eye
UKB: Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Right eye
UKB: Which eye(s) are affected by cataract: Both eyes
UKB: Which eye(s) are affected by cataract: Left eye
UKB: Which eye(s) are affected by cataract: Right eye
UKB: White blood cell (leukocyte) count
UKB: White wine intake
UKB: Whole body fat mass
UKB: Why reduced smoking: Doctor's advice
UKB: Why reduced smoking: Financial reasons
UKB: Why reduced smoking: Health precaution
UKB: Why reduced smoking: Illness or ill health
UKB: Why reduced smoking: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Why stopped smoking: Doctor's advice
UKB: Why stopped smoking: Financial reasons
UKB: Why stopped smoking: Health precaution
UKB: Why stopped smoking: Illness or ill health
UKB: Why stopped smoking: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Witnessed sudden violent death
UKB: Work hours - lumped category: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Work hours per week - exact value
UKB: Worked with materials containing asbestos: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Worked with materials containing asbestos: Rarely/never
UKB: Worked with paints, thinners or glues: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Worked with paints, thinners or glues: Rarely/never
UKB: Worked with pesticides: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Worried most days during period of worst anxiety
UKB: Worrier / anxious feelings
UKB: Worry too long after embarrassment
UKB: Yogurt/ice-cream consumers
1.2. Choose max radius of network (steps):
Step 2. Look into detailed MR results
2.1. Select exposure
UKB: Mean ICVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
UKB: Mean ICVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton
FIN: Actinic keratosis
2.2. Select outcome
UKB: Vitamin B12
UKB: Added milk to filtered coffee
UKB: Intake of sugar added to coffee
UKB: Unsalted nuts intake
UKB: Vegetarian alternatives intake
UKB: Banana intake
UKB: Time spent driving
UKB: Exposure to tobacco smoke outside home
UKB: Poultry intake
UKB: Milk type used: Full cream
UKB: Milk type used: Skimmed
UKB: Handedness (chirality/laterality): Right-handed
UKB: Handedness (chirality/laterality): Left-handed
UKB: Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (right)
UKB: Type of special diet followed: Other
UKB: Illnesses of siblings: Breast cancer
UKB: FI8 : chained arithmetic
UKB: Longest period spent worried or anxious
UKB: Thoughts of death during worst depression
UKB: Weight change during worst episode of depression: Both gained and lost some weight during the episode
UKB: Substances taken for depression: Medication prescribed to you (for at least two weeks)
UKB: Actions taken following self-harm: Receive help from friends / family / neighbours
UKB: Gap coding: Unpaid or voluntary work
UKB: Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of grey matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Volume of brain, grey+white matter (normalised for head size)
UKB: Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left)
UKB: Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract corticospinal tract (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean FA in tract middle cerebellar peduncle
UKB: Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract acoustic radiation (right)
UKB: Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left)
UKB: Amount of warping applied to non-linearly align T1 brain image to standard-space
UKB: Discrepancy between tfMRI brain image and T1 brain image
UKB: 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Precentral Gyrus (right)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (left)
UKB: Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (right)
UKB: Ever tried to stop smoking
UKB: Wants to stop smoking
UKB: Reported occurrences of cancer
UKB: Behaviour of cancer tumour: PHESANT recoding
UKB: Atrial fibrillation and flutter
UKB: Ever manic/hyper for 2 days
UKB: Length of longest manic/irritable episode
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Sugar or foods/drinks containing sugar
UKB: Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: I eat all of the above
UKB: Mouth/teeth dental problems: Loose teeth
UKB: Fractured bone site(s): Wrist
UKB: Leisure/social activities: Religious group
UKB: Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS
UKB: Length of time at current address
UKB: Sebaceous cyst
UKB: Abdominal pain
UKB: Diastolic blood pressure, manual reading
UKB: Frequency of walking for pleasure in last 4 weeks
Causal network (step 1)
Causal effect fittness (step 2)
Causal effect (step 2)
Causal network (step 1)
Instruments (step 2)
Causal effects (step 2)
Heterogeneity and pleiotropy test (step 2)
Download causal network
Download instruments
Download causal effect size
Download Heterogeneity and pleiotropy